Monday, July 31, 2006

A case of the Mundays

This weekend was alot of fun. Friday was dinner, dancing and drinking. I danced alot and stuck to rum and diet I don't feel too bad about my choices. Saturday was a relaxing day and Sunday was gym and nap day. Overall a very successful weekend.

I over slept this morning...I woke up to see the clock ready 7:08am. I'm normally up and out the door to the gym by 5:45am.

Here is a cool link I found today....SnackSwapper

Leave me a comment if you read this!!!!

Thursday, July 27, 2006

Day One

Well today really isn't day one but it's the beginning of what is going to be a long adventure for me. Asmuch as it pains me to say this I am 24 years old, 5'6" tall and 270lbs. It is not necessary for me to say that I need to lsoe weight. I have been heavy for as long as i can remember. I was a semi-active kid; playing soccer and riding my bike were every day occurrences. I believe genetics gave me "big bones" but bad decisions have given me the extra 100lbs.

I know I need to be realistic about my health and fitness. I know it's unrealistic for me to make a comple 180 in regards to my eating habits and work out routines, but i'm getting on the right track. I'm not on a strict diet nor do I count calories; I dont work out six times a day for an hour at a time. I have joined a gym and work out 3 to 4 times a week and I have started making better food choices.

I'm on my way to a healthier life and a more fit me!