Thursday, March 13, 2008


I just wanted to post a little update.

I am really proud of myself. I have honestly gotten back into the workout scene around here :) I have consistently been going to the gym every day during the week and making a conscious effort to have a long workout on the weekends. I've been alternating morning workouts and evening workouts based on the schedule at the gym and it's been great. The days where I work out at nice seem like a gift because I can "sleep in".

I've noticed my weight is going down. As of this morning I weighed in at 173.2!!! I am determined to be in the 170's before I go on vacation at the end of the month.

I do think I am struggling with a small cold. My throat is a bit scratchy, nose is runny and my eyes are watery. I may try to head home from work a bit early but I'm afraid I will get the urge to snack. I've already told myself if I do go home I must eat the lunch I packed for myself today.

I still need to post about something exciting coming up!!!!! I am running a half marathon in August. I want to create a start post for my training and get a schedule together to regularly post on my progress.

Wednesday, March 05, 2008


So my weight has been totally random the past few weeks. One day it's down to 174 and the next it's 178. I dont know what is going on.

I've been very consistent with my workouts and food. I guess I just need to give it another week or two and I should start to see the difference.

I have my official weigh in at work today so I'm hoping it's at least lower that 180lbs.

Monday, March 03, 2008

Monday morning

Hey everyone!

I had a fantastic weekend. I hung out with friends and the boyfriend. I had a BAD breakfast on Saturday morning but it was too tasty to pass up.

On Sunday I took my new bike out for a ride. I ended up going 15miles and was exhausted by the time I got home. It feels so good to be working out again. My weight is still fluctuating but I'm feeling stronger. My muscles were incredibly sore last week and I'm hoping it wont be so bad after this week.

I'm thinking about investing in a nice heart rate monitoring watch. It will be nice to have while riding my bike as well as going to the gym. If anyone has any suggestions on models they like please let me know!