Tuesday, June 12, 2007

It's the numbers that count

So I am feeling a change coming in the wind. In the past two weeks I have really started to feel my eating habits slipping. I've been eating junk and I'm not very proud. I need to get myself into some new habits.

I really think I need to start counting my calories. This is something I have never honestly attempted to do for longer than a day. I know it's something that I need to read up on but I thought I would ask my fellow bloggers for some advise.

Do you guys have any tips or tricks of the trade? Do you know of any helpful websites or books that I should look into?

I just bought a brand new 2008 Weekly Planner. It starts July 2007. I would like to spend the next few weeks slow and go full force in July. I'll let you guys know if I found out anything interesting out of the web!


JOY said...

I know how hard it is to stick with this challenge and eat the right things!

I think the best tip I can give is to not buy anything that you might be tempted to eat! If it isnt there you won't eat it.

Also listing everything you eat each day helps - I usually look through it twice a week and it not only inspires me if I have done well but it also gives me the kick up the butt if I need it if I am not doing so well.

Best thing is to not dwell on your mistakes but look forward!

~~Midnight Raider~~ said...

A lot of people use Fitday.com to track their food and calories. I am old fashioned and just us a paper journal to record what I eat, and then I kinda estimate calories based on this website: http://www.nal.usda.gov/fnic/foodcomp/search/

Fatinah said...

I use Sparkpeople.com
I love it, love it, love it!

A Heathier Me said...

Thanks guys! I think I am going to try sparkpeople.com and see how long I can stick with it!