Thursday, October 25, 2007

Quick update

If anyone still reads this blog I figured I owed them an update :)

I started my new job. It's going to be a challenge and I hope I am up for it. I joined a new gym and I am working out. I've been eating much better lately but I have no clue if I've lost any weight.

I promise to try to get back into blogging soon. If you are still stopping by, thank you!!!


Fatinah said...

still here...

Unknown said...

I hope the job is treating you well and the change is working out for you! :-)

Carrie said...

We are still reading!! Congrats on the new job! Can't wait to hear an update!

Cory said...

Congrats on the new job. I hope you like it. Good job on working out and eating well!!!!