Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Chest cold

So I've come down with another cold. This one was given to my by my Father over Thanksgiving...Thanks Dad!

Anyway, things have been kind of slow the past week because I've been so out of it. I am really going to step my game up for the rest of the week for the exception of Wednesday night. My roommates and myself are inviting our friends over for a potluck Christmas party. I'm going to be making my Pumpkin Gingerbread Trifle tonight for everyone to enjoy.

On a side note: My roommate and I tried the Pilates class at offered at our gym last week. We went once during the week and then on Saturday morning. Let me tell you my muscles haven't been that sore in a long time. I definitely think it's something I am going to add into my routine. I could feel it in my abs, butt, legs AND arms!

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