Friday, August 10, 2007

Gain, gain go away!

This week has been a mix of emotions. I was riding high on life on Tuesday but Wednesday when I went into the gym and weight myself I hit a low. I had gained weight (sorry for the cheesy title). I was shocked, I was devastated, and I was totally discouraged.

I knew my exercise had started to slip a bit (especially on the weekends) and my eating habits haven't been 100% on plan (especially on the weekends) but a gain was not something I was prepared to see. Not only was it a gain, it was a significant gain and since I am too chicken to actually tell you what it was I am postponing my weigh in. I know I'm cheating myself but I have to do it for my own sanity.

I've been doing pretty good this week at the gym but I'm being really hard on myself about everything else. I just needed to have a pitty party for one and move on with my life.

This weekend I am going to see Dave Matthews Band :) Which is one of my absolute most favorite things to do in the whole wide world. Not only will I see Dave and the band I am going with my Mom. I love my Mom to death and I cannot imagine a better person to go with. This show is the first of 5 shows I am going to this summer (yes I have a mild DMB obsession!!!).

I am still following my 8K training plan. Yesterday I ran 2miles non stop and I felt great afterwards. I told myself I could take a quick walking break at the half way point but I kept going. I have a 30mins cross training tomorrow and another 2mile run on Sunday.

Have a great weekend everyone. I know I will!!!

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