Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Today is my Friday!

I am going home today. I am going home to Virginia Beach and I could not be more excited. I want to sleep in my own bed. The reason I am leaving today is because I am going to see Dave Matthews Band tomorrow :) I dont think I have talked about my DMB obsession enough on this blog but to give you any clue this is the second of 7 shows I am going to this summer!

This weekend I saw DMB with my Mom and we had a blast! We were talking about random things and I decided to ask her what she would think if I got a boob job. She seemed a bit surprised but made sure to tell me that finding the right surgeon was important. To my knowledge I do not know anyone personally who has had a breast augmentation so I dont have any references.

This is something I've been thinking about for a long time. The more I get comfortable with my body the more I feel like I can open up to these kinds of things. I always thought it would have been ridiculous to get a boob job for a girl that weight 299lbs. When I was at my heaviest I was lucky to fill out a size C cup and now I am VERY lucky to fill out a B cup. I wouldnt want to have HUGE porn star boobs but I want boobs that make me feel sensual and womanly.

If I ever do anything about it I'll be sure to write more on it! Thanks for listening.

I am off to finish up work for the day, hit the gym then drive to Virginia Beach!!!

1 comment:

Cory said...

I hope that you have a wonderful trip.

I see nothing wrong with having a boob job. You'll just have to decide how large you want to be. I wouldn't mind having one myself once I've lost all my weight. But I would get a reduction. I just don't lose any in the chest.