Friday, April 20, 2007

Exercise....what is that?!?!

So I've been a bit under the weather all week and to avoid getting "Sick" I've been taking it easy. I've been sleeping in and loving it. A few days this week I went to the gym at night but the past three days have been exercise free. Oh well!

I am going to spend my weekend cleaning and packing. I want all of my stuff besides my bed, sheets, some towels and a few clothes packed up by Thursday night.

I am going to see a movie tonight with my girlfriends and I am going to try to avoid Junior Mints! They are my kryptonite.

Thursday, April 19, 2007

Free Coach....count me in!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

This is way too good to pass up!

Not every day do you read about a blogger giving away a free Coach purse!

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

My day in as few words as possible.

Deadline at work, sore throat, tired, too much food for lunch.

I will be so happy when today is over!

Monday, April 16, 2007

Party Foul

My interview on Friday went well. I left about 80% confident that they loved me but I still haven't heard anything. I'll let you know if I do!

Before I headed home I got a call from my roommate saying she had headed down to our alma mater for a big weekend celebration. She convinced me to spend the weekend there so on a whim I drove down. I had sooooo much fun.

Even though I was a good 5-8 years older that the other people there it was a good time. I didn't work out but I tried to eat as healthy as possible. I broke one of my April challenge goals but I will try to make it up this week by not having any alcoholic beverages!!

In other news: It breaks my heart to read about the shooting at Virginia Tech. As a resident of Virginia and having so many friends that have attended Virginia Tech it is hard for me to imagine how this kind of thing can happen. My thoughts and prayers go out to the family, friends, students, professors, residents of this community. All I can hope for is that for a tragedy like this to bring these people together and remember those who lost their lives.

Thursday, April 12, 2007

Thank you

I really want to thank everyone who has been so supportive the past few weeks. It warms my heart to get such nice comments from people I have never met in person. I know having the support from everyone over at 2007 Challenge has really helped me!!!

I am leaving tonight to head down to Virginia Beach for my interview tomorrow. I don't know if I will have time to post but I promise to provide an update on Monday.

Have a great weekend everyone!!!

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

The good, the bad, and the move

The Good:
I weighed in at 199.8 yesterday :)
I am eating lots of fruits and veggies
I have officially become a regular size 16, not a woman's 16

The Bad:
I am VERY unmotivated to work out
I am hungry all the time - although my snacks are healthy I still feel like I am eating a lot of food
I have two pairs of dress pants that fit me and no money to spend on new clothes

The Move:
I am moving to Virginia Beach! I quit my job, I got an apartment and I am moving to Va Beach at the end of this month. I do NOT have another job lined up (although I have an interview on Friday!! Wish me luck). I feel like my whole life is about to change and I am scared to death.

What if I start eating crap again after I move?
What if I don't work out?
What if I wake up and weigh 289lbs again?
What if I cannot get a job?
What if I am moving for the wrong reasons?

Friday, April 06, 2007


I have been in such a blah mood lately. There are so many changes going on in my life right now that nothing seems to be registering. I am both scared and excited all at the same time and it's making me feel very indifferent about everything.

So tonight I have decided I need some "Me" of course I am going shopping :) I love to shop alone. I don't know if it's because I was always too shy to shop with my friends because they never had to go to the big girl stores but I love to walk around the mall all by myself. Tonight I am going to Ikea, Old Navy and maybe Macy's.

In other news, I weighed in at 200.0 the other day at the gym. Granted it was EARLY in the morning, no food in my stomach and I had no pants or shoes on but it was still 200.0. I am hoping to see that 2 go away next week :)

Tuesday, April 03, 2007

April Challenge

I cannot belive it's April already! I am pumped. The warm weather and sun shine has motivated me.

I am going to steal one of my goals from Morgan this month :) I hope you don't mind!

April Goals:
Limit my alcoholic beverages to three a week.
Run 3 miles each week.

The first one is going to be pretty hard for me but I am committed to make it work. The second one shouldn't be a problem at all considering I didn't really struggle to get it done in March.

I really want to see a loss of at least 5lbs this month. I will do my official weigh in tomorrow to get myself started.

Good luck to all the Challengers this month! I'm excited to find out my partner(s) will be :)