Monday, November 06, 2006

Happy Monday!

I first off want to apologize for being MIA lately. Nothing tragic or exciting is going on in my life to keep me away from blogging. I just got a onto a new project at work and I have no access to the outside world. No email, no internet, no nothing and It’s driving me crazy.

My diet has been going pretty well lately. I spent all Sunday emptying out my closet of all the clothes I cannot wear anymore. I have never done that and let me tell you it feels great. Although I couldn’t get rid of them I was able to box them all up to be given away when I move out (less than a year away). I’m sure I’ll hang on to one pair of pants for good measures to reminding of what I NEVER want to be again.

I hope everyone has a very nice weekend and I hope to make more entries this week! Thanks for stickin’ with me!

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