Thursday, November 08, 2007
Naughty or Nice
Anyways...I got an email from my Mom this week asking me to start thinking about my Christmas list for this year. She wants it by Thanksgiving which is like two weeks away! CRAZY!!!!
I honestly cant think of anything that I want for Christmas other thank new clothes. Since it's hard to explain exactly what kind of new clothes I want it easier to ask for gift cards to store. I want Ann Taylor Loft, the Gap and New York & Co. Other than that I have no clue what to ask for.
So Internet, what are the hot gifts for Christmas 2007???? What is on your wish list this year??
Thursday, October 25, 2007
Quick update
I started my new job. It's going to be a challenge and I hope I am up for it. I joined a new gym and I am working out. I've been eating much better lately but I have no clue if I've lost any weight.
I promise to try to get back into blogging soon. If you are still stopping by, thank you!!!
Friday, October 12, 2007
Schedule change
For the past seven months I have been in transition mode. I would be at home on the weekends, I pack, I fly to DC for the week, I pack, and I fly home for the weekends. I started traveling for work as a necessity. There wasnt much of a calling for my field down in Virginia Beach.
Traveling for work has a few benefits:
1. Free access to all the fruit I could want. I get fresh cut fruit for breakfast and my chose of bananas, apples, pears and oranges. All provided by my hotel.
2. Me time. At night I have no one to report to. If I want to work out for two hours I can. If I want to go shopping I can. If I want to spend the entire night in my bed I can.
3. No cleaning. You dont have to make your bed or change your sheets!!!
4. Per Diem....two of my favorite words. My job paid me MORE money because I was traveling for food. I could spend as much or as little on dinner as I wanted and I was getting paid for it.
5. Access to the hotel gym. Even though I stopped working out in the morning I COULD have used the hotel gym. That means not having to get up, get in the car and drive to the gym!
Traveling for work has a few draw-backs:
1. Never at home. I miss my things. I miss my friends. I miss the ability to lay on the couch and watch tv with my roommate.
2. Alot of your time is spent traveling. I used to spend at least 2 hours a week packing and over 6 hours a week in airports and air planes. When I was driving I would spend up to 8 hours in my car during the week.
3. No cooking. I had access to a fridge and microwave. That only gets you so far in the cooking world.
4. Too much Me time. There were days were I really missed having someone to go home to....anyone.
Since all this traveling is going away in the next week. The things I am most looking forward too are being at home, seeing my friends during the week, and cooking!!! It's going to be interesting to see how I will work the gym into my schedule now. I will need to figure out if I can get back into my morning routine or if I'll go to the gym at night.
All I know is I need to get motivated to lose 10lbs before 2008!!!!
Monday, October 08, 2007
My new news
I put in my two weeks notice at my current job today!!!
I am going to be in the same line of work but I will be located in Virginia Beach. Since I moved to Va Beach in May I've been commuting to the DC area every week for work. The traveling has been fun but also VERY exhausting. I miss my bed, I miss my friends, and I miss the little things in life.
I am sad to be leaving some great co-workers but I know I am on to better things! This opportunity sort of fell into my lap and I couldn't be more excited! I am most especially looking forward to 'cooking' again. My idea of cooking is a plain tuna fish sandwich but it's still something I put together.
In other news, my cake was FANTASTIC. I was unfortunately un-able to find the reduced sugar cake mix or icing. So instead I used a regular yellow cake mix and cream cheese frosting. I mixed the cake mix with a can of pumpkin, water, three egg whites and some pumpkin pie spice. It was AMAZING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Happy Columbus day (even though I had to work)!
Friday, October 05, 2007
On a mission
I hate to do this too you
I am just asking for some good vibes to come my way. If everything works out I'll let you know ASAP!
Wednesday, October 03, 2007
National Breast Cancer Awareness Month
It is estimated that over 178,000 women in the US will be found to have invasive breast cancer in 2007.
Women over the age of 40 should get a mammogram once a year.
Over 2 million women in the United States are living with a breast cancer diagnosis.
By the age of 20, women should be giving themselves breast exams at least once a month in addition to seeing their gynecologists on a regular basis.
October is National Breast Cancer Awareness Month and I wanted to do my best to share some information for anyone who reads this blog. I do not have breast cancer and neither does anyone in my immediate family, but I feel as if I have been touched by it. This time last year I had a scare where my doctor found a lump. It was the scariest couple of days in my life at the time. Luckily for me it was a false scare but there isnt a day that goes by that I dont feel the pain that these 2.3million women but be dealing with.
I want to encourage everyone to perform their monthly self breast exams. I will be honest and tell you that I am not always good at doing these. Mainly because it scares the hell out of me but I know how important they can be. I just had my doctor perform a breast exam and I am all clear for now.
My heart goes out to all the women living with this disease. There is hope and I truly believe that one day we will find a cure. To all the women with this diagnosis I want you to know you are an inspiration to me.
Thursday, September 27, 2007
92 days
I took the entire month of September off. I have worked out here and there but it has not been as constant as it needs to be. I know I have come along way but I also know I have a long way to go still. I have about 30lbs that I want to lose to be at my ideal weight and I cannot give up.
I think about weight loss ALL the time. It's literally on my mind 100% of the time. Even though it is always in my mind I haven't been committed to it. Starting October 1st, 2007 I am recommitting myself to weight loss. I want to achieve my goal of a 10lbs lose by the end of the year. I want to focus on working out (and enjoying it again) and eating right.
I have a nice long weekend starting tomorrow. I will allow myself to enjoy this restful weekend and realize that it all ends Monday morning. I want my body to experience total physical fitness now while I am young. I know I will be fighting this fight for the rest of my life but I know that the sooner I reach my goal the better. I can rest knowing that I was able to maintain for an entire month but I want to know I can maintain for the rest of my life.
I am committed to myself. I know now more than I ever knew before that reaching my final goal is possible, I just need to keep pushing myself.
Tuesday, September 25, 2007
Something I've noticed
Tonight I am off to do some Fall/Winter shopping. I hate spending so much money on clothes but I dont have enough outfits to get me through Fall/Winter right now.
I wish I had more exciting things to talk about!
Tuesday, September 18, 2007
West Palm Beach
We got to the area around noon on Friday. We grabbed a quick bite to eat at a local seafood restaurant and took a quick walk on the beach. Then we headed off to the first of two DMB concerts!
I went for a quick run on Saturday morning and the girls and I spent the rest of the day at the beach!
The three of us had a GREAT time!! I cannot believe I will be seeing these girls again tonight for another concert tomorrow :)
Thursday, September 13, 2007
In the end...
I stepped on the scale yesterday and saw 181.4lbs. I cannot tell you how much of a relief it was that I hadnt gained the 5lbs I thought I had. I really think I have revved up my metabolism in the past year. Dont get me wrong, I dont think I could continue to eat the way I did on vacation and continue to lose weight. It's nice to know that the hard work I've put in has done good things to my body.
In other news I received a surprising present for my birthday. I got a shirt. It's a cute going-out-type shirt with matching earrings that I received from two of my girls friends. I was surprised because I have never received an article of clothing from anyone. I have seen plenty of my friends give clothes as a present before but until now I was never one of them. I always knew it was because my friends either didnt know what store to shop in or what size to buy.
This summer I have really started to feel "Normal". Not that I wasnt normal before but I don't always feel so different from everyone else as I did when I was obese. I dont want to offend anyone by using the word normal but it was the best thing I could come up with.
Now that the summer is coming to an end I need to work out my next attack plan. I am going back on NutriSystem, I am getting back to my workout routine, and I am going to set a goal for the end of the year to achieve!!!
This weekend I am headed to West Palm Beach, Fl to see the Dave Matthews Band!!!! If I wear my new shirt I may take a picture or two ;)
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
I'm Back
Now that I am back to the real world things are starting to hit me. I didn't make the best food decisions while on vacation and I didnt work out at all besides walking around doing some site seeing. I am having a hard time getting back into my routine.
I am scared to death about what the scale is going to say at the gym tonight. I haven't decided if I'm ready to face that right now or not. I AM going to go to spin class tonight then I am headed home to watch the Biggest Loser. I hope I'm not too devastated by the scale!!!
Thursday, August 30, 2007
Weight In, Vacation and Birthday!!!
I've officially decided to take a few days off working out. My birthday is in a few days and I'm going to be going on vacation. I am going to focus on eating healthy and moving my body whenever possible. I'm not going to worry about hitting the gym or eating my NS meals.
Speaking of vacation :) My vacation starts tomorrow. For the first half of the week I am going on a road trip with the Boyfriend. We are hitting up Athens, Ga, St. Mary's, Ga, Savannah, Ga and Charleston, Sc!!! I am most excited about Charleston but I am looking forward to the entire trip. I am going to be meeting some of his friends for the first time so I am naturally feeling self conscious. I cant help but worry about what his friends will think of me, but I guess that isnt what really matters right?!?!
For the second half of my vacation I am headed to the Outer Banks with my family! This will be a great time for me to read a book, catch up on TV and just plain relax. I plan on eating a LOT of seafood while I'm there :)
Have a great week and I'll be back on Sept 10th....My Birthday ;)
Monday, August 27, 2007
My new addiction
Thursday, August 23, 2007
Checking in
Here are a few status updates:
Weight loss - Nothing new to report (182.2lbs)
NutriSystem - SLACKING! The weekends are really hard for me but I am still trying.
Exercise - My 8k training is going pretty well. I RAN 2.5miles the other day :)
Birthday Count Down - :) I turn 26 in 18 days!!!!!
Wednesday, August 15, 2007
Weigh in at home
The good news is I weight in yesterday at 182.2lbs! I'll take it!
I hope you guys are having a good day :)
Tuesday, August 14, 2007
Today is my Friday!
This weekend I saw DMB with my Mom and we had a blast! We were talking about random things and I decided to ask her what she would think if I got a boob job. She seemed a bit surprised but made sure to tell me that finding the right surgeon was important. To my knowledge I do not know anyone personally who has had a breast augmentation so I dont have any references.
This is something I've been thinking about for a long time. The more I get comfortable with my body the more I feel like I can open up to these kinds of things. I always thought it would have been ridiculous to get a boob job for a girl that weight 299lbs. When I was at my heaviest I was lucky to fill out a size C cup and now I am VERY lucky to fill out a B cup. I wouldnt want to have HUGE porn star boobs but I want boobs that make me feel sensual and womanly.
If I ever do anything about it I'll be sure to write more on it! Thanks for listening.
I am off to finish up work for the day, hit the gym then drive to Virginia Beach!!!
Friday, August 10, 2007
Gain, gain go away!
I knew my exercise had started to slip a bit (especially on the weekends) and my eating habits haven't been 100% on plan (especially on the weekends) but a gain was not something I was prepared to see. Not only was it a gain, it was a significant gain and since I am too chicken to actually tell you what it was I am postponing my weigh in. I know I'm cheating myself but I have to do it for my own sanity.
I've been doing pretty good this week at the gym but I'm being really hard on myself about everything else. I just needed to have a pitty party for one and move on with my life.
This weekend I am going to see Dave Matthews Band :) Which is one of my absolute most favorite things to do in the whole wide world. Not only will I see Dave and the band I am going with my Mom. I love my Mom to death and I cannot imagine a better person to go with. This show is the first of 5 shows I am going to this summer (yes I have a mild DMB obsession!!!).
I am still following my 8K training plan. Yesterday I ran 2miles non stop and I felt great afterwards. I told myself I could take a quick walking break at the half way point but I kept going. I have a 30mins cross training tomorrow and another 2mile run on Sunday.
Have a great weekend everyone. I know I will!!!
Wednesday, August 08, 2007
Since it's been unbearably hot in the Metro DC area this week I was concerned about what to wear. Yesterday I went on an adventure to find a cool (temperature wise) yet work appropriate outfit. Since I travel and cannot take my entire wardrobe with me I had limited myself to jeans or a cut off jean skirt that was too big for me.
I hit up Old Navy first and determined that everyone else who shops at Old Navy is a size 14 because the only thing I could find was a pair of khaki shorts. When I tried the shorts on I realized that I will NEVER be able to wear shorts in public again. I have the dreaded loose skin on my upper thighs that I don't want anyone that I work with to see. (Reminder: post about this topic later!!)
Next I ended up in Ann Taylor Loft. This store is my new addiction. I used to be addicted to Lane Bryant and saved up their coupons as if they were gold. I loved shopping there because I knew I would find something that would fit. I love Ann Taylor because it's a great combination of sexy and classy clothes that fit MY body very well. Since loosing weight I have become obsessed with wearing dresses and Ann Taylor has the best dresses. I tried a few things on in the store and I fell in love with this....

I cannot even begin to express how sexy, young, THIN, and happy this dress made me feel. Even though it was full price I had to have it (AND the earrings to match). I cannot wait to put it on and head over to the picnic where I will feel great, look great, and still be cool (temperature wise).
Shopping has always been therapy for me, even when I was heavier. I thankfully never reached a point where I couldn't find a size large enough to fit me. My goal was to find something that would fit my body and make me feel better about myself. It's funny how clothes can give you the confidence you need sometimes.
PS....I got a size Medium dress! YAY!!!!
Monday, August 06, 2007
My Priority
Week | Mon | Tue | Wed | Thu | Fri | Sat | Sun | Miles |
| Stretch & strength | 2 m run | 30 min cross | 2 m run | Rest | 30 min cross | 2 m run | 6 |
| Stretch & strength | 2 m run | 30 min cross | 2 m run | Rest | 30 min cross | 2.5 m run | 6.5 |
| Stretch & strength | 2.5 m run | 35 min cross | 2 m run | Rest | 40 min cross | 3 m run | 7.5 |
| Stretch & strength | 2.5 m run | 35 min cross | 2 m run | Rest | 40 min cross | 3.5 m run | 8 |
| Stretch & strength | 2.5 m run | 40 min cross | 2 m run | Rest | 50 min cross | 4 m run | 8.5 |
| Stretch & strength | 3 m run | 40 min cross | 2 m run | Rest | 50 min cross | 4 m run | 9 |
| Stretch & strength | 3 m run | 45 min cross | 2 m run | Rest | 60 min cross | 4.5 m run | 9.5 |
| Stretch & strength | 3 m run | 30 min cross | 2 m run | Rest
| Rest or 60 min cross | 8-K Race | 10 |
I am pumped!
Tuesday, July 31, 2007
New Challenge
I signed up for the month of August!
Go visit the challenge site and let Paige know if you want to join in! I will try to post my goals for August tomorrow :)
Friday, July 27, 2007
Happy Birthday to you....

A year ago today I created A Healthier Me and wrote my first blog entry. At the time I was 24 years old and weight in at 270lbs. Today I am 25 years old (obviously!!) and I weight in yesterday at 182.2lbs!!!!!
This blog has been such a huge support system for me. I have signed up for several challenges where I was responsible for my actions. I have learned so many facts about healthy foods and how to exercise. I have sought out your opinion and I have received great advice. I have found the motivation that keeps me going. What I am most thankful for in this past year is the advice and support from all the other ladies out there blogging about weight loss. You have truly been an inspiration to me, and for that I thank you.
As of today I have 32.2lbs to lose till I reach my goal. This is the first time in my life that I know it's possible to achieve something I work hard at. During the next year I would like to work on my fitness, get down to my goal weight and start to work on myself as a person. I need to work on improving my self-esteem and confidence.
Thank you all for reading my blog and allowing me to share in your lives!
Wednesday, July 25, 2007
Nope, Nada, No
Am I reading Harry Potter? NOPE
Is my life just that exciting that I dont have time? NO WAY
Has work been really busy? NO
Have I had anything mildly interesting to talk about? NOT AT ALL
I haven't posted in a while just because I haven't had must to post about. I cannot complain about life too much. I am trying to enjoy my summer as much as possible, all the while fitting in time to make money (a.k.a the job).
Today is my official weigh-in but I doubt I'll be going to my regular gym. I am hoping to motivate myself to do at least 30mins of the elliptical at the hotel tonight. I am meeting my mom for dinner after work for food and probably a little shopping.
I'll try to post my plans for the weekend. A friend is in town that I haven't seen in a year so it will be very exciting!
Thursday, July 19, 2007
Weigh In
PS....NustriSystem tuna casserole is TERRIBLE. It looks NOTHING the the box and the tuna looks like it was pureed into a grayish sauce. I ate regular tuna instead and it was tasty!
Tomorrow if FRIDAY! Im excited if you couldn't already tell :)
Wednesday, July 18, 2007
My parents actually have a pit pull. He is 95lbs of pure love and joy. I don't think he has a mean or aggressive bone in his body but people are scared to death of him. The dog is such a sweetheart and it makes me sick to think of someone abusing these animals. I really home Vick gets the punishment that he deserves.
In other news, my weight in day is today. I'll weigh in at the gym and post it tomorrow. As of Monday I was down to 185.4 but I dont know what to expect today. Nutrisystem is going GREAT during the week. I love having the food already here for me and I just pick something that I think looks tasty. I am still surprised about how good the food is. The hard thing is the weekends.
On the weekends my boyfriend loves to cook and he loves to cook for me. I would feel terrible if I said "No honey, I have to eat my Nutrisystem". So the weekends I tend to eat out a lot and eat nice home cooked meals. I always try to make healthy decisions but I know I am going off track with NutriSystem.
Anyways, I am off to finish up some stuff for work for the day then Im going to the gym. Have a good night everyone! I am keeping my fingers crossed that I will see a loss!!!
Thursday, July 12, 2007
Short and sweet
I've been bad about doing a weekly weigh in. I always step on the scale when I go to my regular gym but I've been bad at writing it down. Im going to try to create a table of some sort on my blog to track my weight.
Maybe I'll make a real post later today!
Wednesday, July 11, 2007
My weekend was alright. Saturday night I went out with my roommate and another girl friend and we had a bit too much fun. I may have taken advantage of my new found self-esteem and buddied up with a few Navy Boys to get them to buy us drinks. The boys were nice but we were just having fun. I drank way too much and spend all day Sunday recovering. Recovering means I had a egg and cheese bagel, pizza, and fajitas. I didnt have ANY NutriSystem food that day. I didnt worry about it too much and I've moved on.
I spent my Monday cleaning my apartment and dealing with a slight crisis. My AC unit is dripping water into the closet of my neighbor downstairs. There wasnt much I could do about it but try to stop the water from going everywhere. I wasnt able to get my closet cleaned out but I hope to do that soon.
I am back on the Nutrisystem bandwagon. I honestly have to say that I cannot complain about the food. I headed up a chicken patty for dinner one night and it was a weird consistency so I had a hard time eating it. The one thing about this diet is that you need to be kind of organized. You have to remember what to eat with each meal and how much. For example for breakfast you eat a NS meal, a serving of fruit and either a dairy serving or a protein serving. The key is to know what exactly a serving is. A fruit service is only half a banana or a small peach. I feel like it's going well though.
I am going to weigh in today at my normal gym. I trust what the scale says there because I've been using it for a while. It's hard to travel and use 5 different scales because it's inevitable that they will all say something different.
I got news from my Mom yesterday that my Dad was in a bad car accident. He was on rt 77 in Charlotte, NC headed to work when he was rear ended by a semi-truck which caused him to then hit another semi-truck in front of him. He is doing alright but the impact caused the airbags to deploy and it broke his sternum. I cannot thank God enough for looking over him yesterday morning. He is in a bit of pain right now but he is safely resting at home.
Sorry for the random post!
Have a great hump day :)
Friday, July 06, 2007
Day 2
I started NutriSystem yesterday. Everything is going just great. So far I cannot complain too much about the food. I will say it's not incredible but it's definitely edible. I never felt hungry until I woke up this morning, that was mainly because I ate dinner at 5:30pm instead of my usual 8pm.
The one thing I wasn't happy about is for women who have less than 100lbs to lose you have very little carbs. I have never liked the no carb diet. Men and women with over 100lbs to lose are all allowed one carb (equal to one slice of wheat bread) with breakfast, lunch and dinner. I've decided that I will add the one carb to my diet at least once a day. I hardly ever eat processed carbs anymore so I am comfortable that this is a diet I can maintain, even after I go off of NutriSystem.
The one thing I really do like is you are allowed between 2 and 3 free foods a day. A free food has to be under 45 calories. So 1 rice cake and 1 cup of jello works great as a free food!
I am still supper excited about this diet. We will just have to wait and see what kind of weight loss I see after a week :) I'll post an official weigh-in on day 7 (or around day 7 if I forget!!).
Tuesday, July 03, 2007
My first 14
My first size 14 jeans! They fit like a glove!!! It's a huge change because all of the clothes I have are way too big for me. My closet at home is packed full of clothes and I bet only a 1/3 I could actually wear and leave the house in. I plan to organize everything over the weekend and I'm sure I will have multiple bags of clothes for goodwill. If anyone wants clothes in sizes 22, 20, and 18 let me know!!! I have a few nice dresses size 24 too!
In other news, It appears that the rest of the world is a size 14 too. I spent an hour at the mall yesterday night trying to find some black work pants. The only pair I found was at New York and Co. and there was a hole in the side. It was a challenge before to find clothes a size 24 (because there aren't very many) and now it's a challenge to find a 14 because I think everyone else is buying those too.
I hope everyone enjoys the holiday tomorrow. I am going to be "working" from home but I've gotten all my work done today :)
Happy 4th of July everyone!
Monday, July 02, 2007
My weekend and NS
I'm back in the DC area for the work week. I plan to stick to my workout routine I've been in. I am still loving the water aerobics class. Its a very nice change to my old routine.
I am going home to my parents house for the 4th of July. Nothing very excited planned but since the holiday is in the middle of the week I cannot just go home. My job is letting take a comp day next week so I'll have next Monday off. YAY!
My NutriSystem order should be delivered today. According to UPS the package is out for delivery. I am super excited. I spent my morning reading through the website and going through the community message board. The first thing I've noticed is that if you have less than 100lbs to lose you are not allowed to eat many carbs. You ARE allowed to have whole wheat bread with a few meals (i.e. hot dogs, hamburgers). Many people seem to be complaining about getting board eating so many salads. The menu calls for a salad with lunch and a salad with dinner. I am committing to doing this for a month and then I will re-evaluate if it's going to work for me.
My challenge goal for this month is to stick to the NutriSystem plan. I wont start until Thursday but I figure that it still counts :) I cannot believe it's already July!!!
Thursday, June 28, 2007
Welcome to Nutrisystem
I picked 28 of what I thought were the most appetizing breakfasts, lunches, dinners, and desserts. I have no clue how this is going to work but I want to give it a try. Since traveling I have found that I am always eating out and I know I could be eating better. Since I live out of a hotel eating the Nutrisystem dinners may be a challenge since I dont have a microwave. But I figured I can eat the dinners for lunch and have a salad for dinner.
I probably wont get the food for another week and a half but I'll keep you posted on my thoughts. For some reason I am both scared and excited!!
Weigh in at the gym last night....188.6. I am tired of staying in the same spot. I want the 170's sooooooooo bad!
Wednesday, June 27, 2007
Shaq attack
If not I definitely would recommend watching it next week. The whole point of the show is Shaq is the trainer/motivator/activist for a small group of kids that range in ages from 11 to 14 that are all over weight. A few of the kids were even morbidly obese. I was just in total shock after the kids went through a physical and the doctor was giving them the results.
I see myself in each one of these kids. I know I was fat when I was that age but I'm not quite sure if I would have been considered obese. Obesity for me hit in my late high school/college years. I really want to try to keep up with this show. I would absolutely love to see these kids change their lives for the better. I would love to see their dreams come true.
If you watched it, what are your thoughts?
Monday, June 25, 2007
I got up at 4am, got ready for work, drove to the airport and flew to DC. The flight was about 45mins total and I think I slept for 5mins on the plane. So I am sitting at my desk this afternoon doing anything and everything to keep my eyes open. I plan to go to the gym tonight but I dont know if that will actually happen. I may be satisfied if I just put in 30mins on the treadmill at a slow pace. We will see.
Even though this Monday has been rough I had a fabulous weekend. I sipped Mimosas by the ocean front yesterday and had the best seafood ever at local hot spot. My diet wasn't the best and I have worked out since Friday. Oh well!!!
If I get to the gym tonight I'll weigh-in. I have a feeling it's going to the right around the same thing it's been these past few weeks.
Friday, June 22, 2007
I almost forgot....
I am want to start a new goal for myself. I may save it for July but 'practice' next week. I want to start doing light cardio (walking on the treadmill or easy work on the elliptical) at the hotel gym every morning. I used to get up at 5:30am every single morning to go to the gym. Even though it was a hard routine to get into I got used to it and it was no big deal after a while.
I started working out in the evenings since I generally dont have anything to do after work. But things always seem to come up at night...dinner, happy hour, etc. I want to make sure I am doing SOMETHING every day. I did it this morning and I plan to do it all next week starting on Tuesday morning.
Anyways, have a great weekend everyone!!!
Wednesday, June 20, 2007
101 posts
My weekend was wonderful. It was a bit longer than originally planned because I decided to take Monday off of work. I drove down to my Dad's house on Saturday and met the rest of my family. We went to the Charlotte Knights baseball game to celebrate Father's Day. They are the AAA team for the Chicago White Sox. The stadium was quite small but we had a blast!!! I eat before the game so I had no need to get food there but I did have a few (2) beers.
I visited the gym on Monday and was able to weigh myself. I didn't go to my usual gym and so it wasn't my usual scale but I saw......188.4!!!! I was shocked!! I don't know how it works to my advantage but I didn't work out at all and I didn't eat all that great and I still lost weight. I think I've increased my metabolism from all the hard work that I've been doing. It's very encouraging!
This week is nothing special. I had my first Deep Water Fitness class last night. It's a group of all women and I am the youngest by at least 20 years. There is nothing wrong with that but I made sure I was pushing myself to get a good workout. I could definitely feel my muscles working in my arms and legs. I have class again on Thursday.
I feel that I am doing okay on my goals this month. I've been trying hard to read AND comment on everybodys blogs! You guys are such an inspiration to me!!! As far as losing 5lbs is concerned, if the scale I used the other day is accurate I have lost 3.2lbs since June 1st. My lose has slowed down A LOT recently but as long as it keeps going down I'll be happy. Lets just hope I can lose the last 1.8lbs by the end of the month!
Friday, June 15, 2007
Weekend plans
For Father's Day we are treating him to a baseball game at the local AAA team. It should be a good time. I have to admit that I am already craving a beer and a hot dog :) Maybe I'll do a beer and see if they have a grilled chicken sandwich!
Have a great weekend everyone! Tell your Dad that you love him!
Thursday, June 14, 2007
Sign me up!
I found a Deep Water Fitness class that is every Tuesday and Thursday nights. I promptly signed up. I don't know anyone in the class and I have never been to the facility before but I have high hopes. The class starts next week and it goes to mid-August.
I have never done water aerobics before but everyone that I know who has says it's wonderful. I love the water, I love to swim and I love the fact that I can work out and not sweat! I'll let you know how my first class goes next week!
I am definitely in a weight loss plateau right now. I haven't gained or lost anything in what feels like a month. This is the first time I have experienced this kind of thing before so I am trying to make a few changes.
Have a good night everyone!
Tuesday, June 12, 2007
It's the numbers that count
I really think I need to start counting my calories. This is something I have never honestly attempted to do for longer than a day. I know it's something that I need to read up on but I thought I would ask my fellow bloggers for some advise.
Do you guys have any tips or tricks of the trade? Do you know of any helpful websites or books that I should look into?
I just bought a brand new 2008 Weekly Planner. It starts July 2007. I would like to spend the next few weeks slow and go full force in July. I'll let you guys know if I found out anything interesting out of the web!
Friday, June 08, 2007
There is this guy that works for my company that is totally gorgeous. He is the kind of guy who has a great body and a GREAT personality.
A few weeks ago I was waiting at the gym for my kick boxing class and I looked over and there he was. He was waiting for one of the weight machines. He smiled and waved and I smiled back and quickly (and probably red faced) went into my class.
A few days later I ran into him in the hall and he asked how my classes were going and we got into a discussion about kick boxing. It was the first time I had had a conversation with him outside of a work related meeting.
Now, I know I have a boyfriend and I know he has a girlfriend but I got all giddy after what happened this afternoon....
I had just gotten out of my seat to go get some carrots and humus for lunch (I was being good) and he came around the corner. He called my name and said he was coming over to talk to me...AHHHHH! Im sure I turned six shades of red and he then asked me some advice on going to Virginia Beach!
The whole point of this story is that I don't know if I would have ever had the confidence to talk to a boy like this before. I have no interest in him and I know he has no interest in me! I was just really impressed by myself for being so outgoing.
I see myself changing ever day, and not just physically. I have never been more confident or proud of myself than ever before.
Have a great weekend everyone! My goal for next week is to post some pics to my blog :)
Thursday, June 07, 2007
Fit Flop

Im kidding of course!!! I would never by flip flops that promise a good workout unless they did the walking for me :)
They do look comfy though!!!
Wednesday, June 06, 2007
Pros of losing weight:
- Feeling healthier and more fit every day
- There is nothing like the high of trying on a size smaller and having it fit!
- Finding clothes that fit you in a "Normal Sized" store (ie. not Lane Bryant)
- Being able to wear sexy summer tops
- My fingers have gotten smaller so I can wear rings now that I never could before
- Crossing my legs makes me feel sexy
- Receiving compliments from people you haven't seen in a while
- Finding muscles you never had before
- Seeing new definitions in your body
- Fitting comfortably in an airplane seat
- Having the ability to walk up several flights of stairs without getting totally winded
- Looking forward to your next workout
- Watching the numbers on the scale going down is a rush
- Having your friends ask you for advice on losing weight or working out
- Having the confidence in yourself that you may not have had before
- I now wear sexy strappy sandals
Friday, June 01, 2007
June Challenge
In June I want to:
Lose 5lbs
Blog 3 times a week and leave comments and encouragement to all my weight loss blog friends
June is going to be a good month :)
All natural
In my humble opinion I think I have done phenomenal this past year. I have lost over 100lbs with a healthy diet and exercise. Im not going to let a "quick fix" get the better of me. I would however never judge someone if they chose to take a weight loss drug. Exercise has worked for me but I know it might not work for everyone.
I hopped on the scale yesterday and saw 191.6!!! I cannot wait to be in the 180's. I am really going to try hard next week to reach that goal. I am spending the weekend in Atlanta with my boyfriend and his family. That means we will be eating out a lot but there should also be plenty of site seeing (lost of walking!!!).
Have a great weekend everyone. Maybe I'll post some pictures next week!
Thursday, May 24, 2007
I want your opinion
The new FDA approved weight loss drug is scheduled to be available mid June. It's called Alli (funny that its a girl's name). Alli promises 50% more weight loss than with regular dieting alone. It gives and example that if you lose 10lbs by dieting alone you can lose 15lbs by dieting AND taking Alli. Sounds great right?!?!?!....Tell me what you think.
I've always had a hard time taking weight loss pills. I dont like taking pills in general. It's fairly expensive; $65 for 90 pills. The side effects don't sound dangerous but unpleasant. The pill works by blocking 25% of the fat your body tries to absorb in the food you eat. If you eat a lot of fatty foods your body wont be able to digest them. Here is what Alli says:
The main side effect occurs when you eat a meal with too much fat while taking alli. If so much fat is blocked that your stool can’t absorb it, you might have side effects. Because they are not harmful, we call them “treatment effects”. They include loose or more frequent stools, an urgent need to go to the bathroom, or gas with an oily discharge.
That doesnt sound like fun!!!
So, would you try it???
Tuesday, May 22, 2007
Weekend recap
On my way back to Northern Va for work on Sunday I had a minor incident. One of my back tires blew. It was VERY scary to be stranded on the side of an intern state with no clue what to do. I took a deep breathe and figured out how to fix things. Now I have four brand new tires and a hatred for Volkswagen dealerships. Don't get me started on that one!!!
Other than that I am going to spin class tonight then just relaxing.
My grandma is in the hospital right now because they found an aortic aneurysm. I still dont have many details but I am just praying that everything is going to be okay.